Skin care products:
The basis for a no makeup look is great skin care. I'm obsessed with my skin and I buy new products all the time to keep my face looking good. I use toner sometimes, but it does dry my skin so I only use it every once in a while. I recommend something with witchhazel in it.
This is what I use right now. Olay $4 toner from Target.

This is what I'm going to buy next. I've read in so many books that rosewater is what kept all the movies stars in the 40s and 50s like Grace Kelly looking so great.
Face Wash:
This is a bit more difficult. I think that with my skin I can't use the same wash for very long. I used to use acne control stuff, but now I'm giving that a break and trying these two.
I'm obsessed with Boots No.7 because well it's British! When I had more of a tan on my vacation to Puerto Rico I used their tinted moisturizer and it was a mircle worker. My skin looked flawless. So when it was time for me to try a new face wash I chose them. This isn't exactly what I have, but it's close enough.

For night I use something that will get the dirt and stuff off of my face. My roommate used one of these so I thought I'd try it as well. I'm really liking it because it's not too tough on my skin. My dermatoligist suggested that I start using more gentle cleansers because I was leaving my teenage years. It's nice to know that soon pimples won't be a problem for me.
I can't underestimate the importance of a good face lotion. I've always used one with sunscreen for day and one without for night.
This Boots one is my obession right now. It keeps my skin super soft.

For night I use St. Ives with collogen. It's kinda tough to find for some reason but if you do find it it's a huge tub so it will last you a while.
On my wish list is this $30 RoC cream with retinol. Have to start anti-aging early I say to prevent more drastic measures in the future.
The only other beauty essentials I need are a good lip gloss of which I have many, crazy awesome mascara which is hard to find and coverup. I swear by Clinque for this.

I don't use foundation because frankly there isn't a shade short of white that fits my skin well enough. I hate the sun, it's the vampire in me, which is good for fighting off wrinkles later, but alas I have no tan. I'm no help with foundation sorry. But I suggest not spending too much on it since it's something you might use every day, but don't skimp either becuase it could lead you to break out.
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