I'll be the first to admit it. I'm not a shoe girl. Manolos make me just as excited as the next girl, but there are tons of other things I'd rather spend my money on. I have lots of trusty ballet flats that I rotate but nothing over the top. Yesterday I went into Target and saw they had these shoes on sale. They were Dolce Vita which not being a shoe snob I had never heard of before, but these shoes. Oh my gawd. Perfect. They are a bit on the rocker side and if you remember yesterday's post I said I wanted to take more risks this year especially with shoes and here's my chance!
Here are the shoes from
Target. At my store they were only $20 so maybe you can find a good deal if you look.

On Dolce Vita's website they have a range of prices and styles as well as their own clothing line.
Here's a pair I really love. They're only $170 which is cheap compared with Manolos.

Happy New Year to you and yours!
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